Using Python, you can automate the publishing of new (or updated) data to Tableau Server or Tableau Cloud. A lot of my clients use Tableau Cloud, and recently Tableau has started enforcing the MFA security policies and along with that you can no longer use username/password combinations to login and publish the new data.
Now you need a Personal Access Token (PAT) in order to authenticate your session and publish the data source properly.
Tableau’s suite of APIs let you do a lot of other tasks programmatically, but if you want to learn how to publish a data source here’s how:
from tableauhyperapi import *
import pandas as pd
import tableauserverclient as TSC
SITE_NAME = 'site-name'
project_name = 'project-name'
hyper_name = 'name_of_your_published_data_source.hyper'
PAT_NAME = 'create-your-PAT'
PAT_SECRET = 'PAT-secret'
data = {
'col1': [1, 2, 3],
'col2': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
'col3': [True, False, True],
'col4': [1.0, 2.5, 3.8],
'col5': pd.date_range(start='2022-01-01', periods=3),
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Set up a connection to a new Hyper file
with HyperProcess(telemetry=Telemetry.DO_NOT_SEND_USAGE_DATA_TO_TABLEAU) as hyper:
with Connection(hyper.endpoint, hyper_name, CreateMode.CREATE_AND_REPLACE) as connection:
# Define the table schema
table_definition = TableDefinition(
TableDefinition.Column('col2', SqlType.text()),
TableDefinition.Column('col3', SqlType.bool()),
TableDefinition.Column('col4', SqlType.double()),
with Inserter(connection, table_definition) as inserter:
for index, row in df.iterrows():
# Sign in to server
tableau_auth = TSC.PersonalAccessTokenAuth(PAT_NAME, PAT_SECRET, SITE_NAME)
server = TSC.Server(POD_NAME, use_server_version=True)
# Define publish mode - Overwrite, Append, or CreateNew
publish_mode = TSC.Server.PublishMode.Overwrite
# Get project_id from project_name
all_projects, pagination_item = server.projects.get()
for project in TSC.Pager(server.projects):
if == project_name:
project_id =
# Create the datasource object with the project_id
datasource = TSC.DatasourceItem(project_id)
print(f"Publishing {hyper_name} to {project_name}...")
# Publish datasource
datasource = server.datasources.publish(datasource, hyper_name, publish_mode)
print("Datasource published. Datasource ID: {0}".format(
So how do you use this?
Copy the code and then change:
Line 5 / POD_NAME : your pod name, pretty obvious
Line 6 / SITE_NAME : still part of the URL, but you must use this (even if you’re using Tableau Server)
Line 7 / project_name : Make sure it’s unique in the site, but you will see the code that converts the project_name into project_id (lines 57-61)
Line 8 / hyper_name : the local filename, that also becomes the name of your published data source
Line 10 / PAT_NAME : the name of the PAT you have created. At the time of writing, if you use Tableau Cloud these can disappear without notice.
Line 11 / PAT_SECRET : make sure you copy this when you see it, you will never get access again.
Learn how to create a PAT here
As with any coding, there is multiple ways to achieve the same result. Please change the code to match your requirements and let me know what you’ve done.